Currently the online market is flooded with what we call compatible/replica/replacement batteries, at very aggressive prices. Prices that are too good to be true, and this is because they are too good to be true. What you receive is a very poor quality item that has been made by an eastern manufacturer due to the lack of availability from the laptop manufacturers themselves, but also because everyone wants the cheapest possible price. Many of these batteries are dangerous to use, but in reality what the customer gets is a battery that performs quite well for a year or so, but deteriorates quickly. Sometimes even sooner.
Because of the struggle to get the eastern manufacturers to make high quality batteries albeit at a slightly higher price premium (because most of the time they’re still fitting the batteries with poor quality lithium-ion cells and making even more profit), we simply cannot find a manufacturer or distributor to stand alongside with where we can honestly say that the battery will be of a high quality. And because of this, we don’t sell laptop batteries nor do we make recommendations on where to get the best possible examples. Simply put, we don’t want to be the bad guys! Because in the case of laptop batteries, a lot of the time there will be a bad guy – the distributor, the retailer, or the eastern manufacturer.
There are a few laptop brands where you may be able to seek a battery directly but at a price premium. However you can be assured that you’re receiving a high quality battery that’ll last a good few years if not longer, and more importantly will be safe to use. We have bought replacement batteries for Dell and HP laptops directly from themselves, but most other manufacturers don’t provide any means to obtain a replacement battery.
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